Crushing Test Equipment
We provide assurance that you are buying the right equipment for the job. Stedman offers the following crusher testing equipment to test your products:
The Crusher Testing Process
Learn the basics of controlled impact crushing, pulverizing, or upgrading your material. See how we prepare and load your material and set RPMs for fine to coarse production. Watch real-time horsepower consumption through start-up and full load. You will see our crusher testing facility's process personally and receive your end product on-site with a confidential, written report.
Report Includes:
- Moisture analysis
- Raw feed gradation analysis
- Product gradation analysis
- Bulk density
- Abrasion test
- Estimated metal replacement costs
- Power requirements for startup and operation
Processing Your Materials with Crushing Test Equipment
Benefits of the Stedman full service custom toll grinding services are measurable on your bottom line. Save money and time by having Stedman process your material.
- Processing material that otherwise may require significant plant reconfigurations, capital investment, or substantial downtime
- New product or process development
- Meet a specification you can’t with your existing plant configuration
- Keep processing during planned maintenance, or waiting for the installation of a new piece of equipment
Remember these tips when sending material to Stedman:
- Contact Stedman prior to sending your material
- Send an SDS with the material
- Send the material Freight Prepaid
- The address of the Testing and Toll Processing Facility
Stedman Testing and Toll Processing
108 Indiana Avenue
Aurora, Indiana 47001
(812) 926-0038
Test Before You Buy™
The Stedman Testing and Toll Processing Facility is the place to test your material in our full size equipment. If it can be crushed, ground, pulverized or mixed, chances are we’ve done it. We have more than 10,000 test reports to help get you to the best solution quickly. To learn more about what to expect from testing, read our article that ran in POWDER BULK ENGINEERING magazine.
Testing & Toll Processing Resources
Contact Us
Our 24 hour parts and service department along with our inventory of wear parts allow us to provide the fastest response time for parts and service.